Associated Cost
Fit-out Costs
- The landlord normally provides a drop ceiling with lighting, common area restrooms, HVAC and carpeting.
- The tenant normally pays for all other improvements, including restrooms within the occupied space. Most large scale buildings have designated contractors that tenants must use. The landlord often charges for the review of design documents and for supervision.
- Fit-out costs for large scale buildings in major cities normally range from JPY 280,000–700,000 per tsubo including construction, furniture, wiring, and design fees. General cost estimates by requirement are below:
High: JPY 560,000 - 700,000/tsubo
Medium: JPY 410,000 - 510,000/tsubo
Basic: JPY 280,000 - 350,000/tsubo
At the end of the lease, the tenant, at its own expense, restores the premises to its original condition, which estimates about JPY100,000 - 210,000 per tsubo. Such restoration usually includes, at a minimum, restoration of all walls, floors and ceilings and removal of tenant-installed fixtures. General cost estimates by building grade are below:
High: JPY 160,000 - 210,000/tsubo
Medium: JPY 140,000 - 180,000/tsubo
Basic: JPY 100,000 - 140,000/tsubo
Legal Fees
Most tenants retain and pay for their own legal counsel.
Landlords usually use their own lease agreement templates.
A ‘standard’ Japanese lease is typically 5-6 pages and only biding in Japanese language.
Agency Fees
Typical advisor/agency fees are as follows:
The tenant pays 1 month’s rent as the standard market fee based on the newly acquired/expanded area.
The standard market rate is 50% of one month’s rent based on the renewed/re-contracted area or a portion thereof, or a percentage of savings over the new lease term based on the landlord’s initial quote, or the current rent, whichever is higher.